Board of Directors

Non-Executive Chairman – Rudolph de Bruin

Rudolph completed a BCom. LLB and practised as an advocate from 1979 to1989, specialising in commercial law. Rudolph was one of the founding directorsof Platmin, Taung Gold, Sephaku Holdings and others. Rudolph was a co-founderof AMED Funds, a private equity fund focused on brownfield explorationprojects in Africa. He is the Managing Partner of AMED Funds.

Non-Executive Director – Deon Van Der Mescht NHD Metalliferous Mining (Wits)

Deon has experience in both the African and Australian gold and copper miningIndustries and has been the CEO and executive of many well-known mining companies. A mining engineer by profession, his experience encompasses both open-cut and underground mining techniques.

Non-Executive Director – Dr David Twist

David holds his PhD in Geology. David was one of the founding directors of Platmin, Taung Gold, Sephaku Holdings and others. Most recently, Davidwas a co-founder AMED Funds, a private equity fund focused on brownfield exploration projects in Africa, where he is responsible for all technical aspects of the Funds investments.

Non-Executive Director – Dr Ross McGowan PhD MGeol FGS FSEG

Ross has been involved for over 20 years academically, technically, and corporately inthe mining industry in Africa. Founder of Resource Exploration & Development Group (RED); CEO of Armada Metals (ASX:AMM); Fellow of the GeologicalSociety of London and a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists. Ross was a co-recipient of the 2015 PDAC Thayer Lindsley Award for an internationalMineral Discovery for Kamoa (Ivanhoe Mines).

Non-Executive Director – Jeremy Crozier

Jeremy holds MSc and MBA degrees in geology and has 27 years of mineral exploration and executive management experience gained in Africa, North America, Eastern Europe and Australia. His most recent engagements include those of President and CEO, Medgold Resources (TSXV:MED); President and CEO, Volcanic Gold Mines (TSXV:VG) and COO, Leviathan Gold Ltd (TSXV:LVX).

CEO – Luke Knight

Luke was a founding member of Platmin Limited and the COO of its SouthAfrican operating subsidiary. Luke joined African Minerals Exploration &Development SICAR (“AMED Funds”), in 2014 as a director responsible forportfolio monitoring of their African investments, inclusive of Central Copper.Luke brings a wealth of experience in the management of exploration anddevelopment projects in Africa. Luke completed modules in commercial law, business management, economics and accounting at the University of South Africa.